And real violence that I would except to see is hidden. There are disgusting scenes, but most of them are happening in protagonist's mind only. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS First of all, violence. Next part of my review will be full of spoilers as I want to explain some elements of the game and why they aren't bad as I thought at first. They make total sense and are done to illustrate mental illness. And as my disappointment is loosing it's sharpness, I begin to understand all those "bad" decisions. As I said, it was sometimes a good experience, but as a whole - disappointing. It was visually absolutely stunning, but it left me fully frustrated. There was a mini-game that was absolutely boring, meaningless and long. Game had some disgusting violent scenes, but when some real violence happened and I would except you see it, it was off screen. There were plot lines that meant nothing for it's story. There were weird and illogical plot twists. It looks very good, it has interesting characters and story. But aftera month or so I can call it a brilliant piece of art about mental illness, just like Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice.

But aftera month or so I can call it a brilliant I would call it a very weird and even a bad game. I would call it a very weird and even a bad game.